
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jobs-----Revolution Watch

We keep hearing this Jobs, Jobs, Jobs mantra over and over. Then we hear the politicians say how we have to bring them back, and we have to do this and we have to do that.

The Democrats think they have to spend money government style and Keynesian style to create new jobs which in turn means they have to find the cash. They spend and they spend and spend but still the U6 jobless rate stays in the 16% range. To top it off, no one wants to pay taxes. It all seems so stupid. There is no money, so they print the stuff out of their asses and then throw it all over the place thinking the jobs will come out of the woodwork. Making oil out of algae?!

The GOP mostly gave it to banks by getting Treasure, Hank Paulsen, ex Goldman CEO, to throw bailouts in the trillions to his big banking buddies. While doing this the Republicans cry out for free trade, no regulations, feed the wealthy job creators, no new taxes. They believe the banks will graciously loan mega dollars to new businesses. The banksters then give themselves big bonuses and sit on the money gathering interest. They don't invest it---not in this country

But it sure looks like neither one of them have a clue and I am not sure they care. The above article demonstrates how this area is losing 1000 jobs as two large factories close down. One is a paper factory that no longer has much of a market due to the internet. The other made windows and doors and the union wouldn't drop there demand of wanting a working wage, plus no one is building.

What it turns out is there is no place to invest money in business in this country simply because demand is down and we, under no circumstance can compete with foreign labor. It just can't be done. Good old globalization. In the mean time the 99% get poorer and the 1% are rolling in free bailout money and laughing their rich asses into the ground. "Party on Garth."

It looks like one hell of a dilemma. No matter what we do it is not going to work. The sad part of it is we are not talking about other options. We are not taking about ideas and proposals that does not involve these antiquated growth concepts. We have to move to another type of thinking but it looks to me like thinking outside this box will not happen. Is it just a continuing slow decline? We need a new set of economists, not these shit heads suffering from rectal-cranial inversion. Time to start over.

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