This map/graph demonstrates that there is less income disparity among our citizens than other areas. I don't know why, but it must have something to do with attitudes of leadership, and maybe the general population that would not put up with it. In other words, if we in a small community see some business individual living in a starter castle, the tendency might be to not support his business, particularly if his workers were not being paid well. Self correction, maybe.
This graph demonstrates that good old Wisconsin is not heavily endowed with poverty in my beloved rural areas. We personally are probably in the poverty group but we are rich in other ways. Not a lot of poor around us.
Hey, we have water and water can be used for all sorts of thing, many of them fun but also it can be used to grow food without having lots of fear of drought. I like that. I like the Tomorrow River, and the Wisconsin. I like the Crystal River and how about all those lakes. Thank you Jesus---or whom ever.
Here is an interesting map, rather a different topic, but still not with out merit. So far not many nasty weather events up here.
I have another one of maps somewhere that demonstrates the level of education and value placed on education. Oddly the pattern is the same. The upper Midwest is way out in front. Now, it may not be that we are the most fortunate in every class but still nicely positioned.
Of course, if we had to include weather, or the easiest place to live with weather (that would be winter) it might look a bit different. Then, does the harsh weather lead to the strength in the other areas? Does it chase out the riff-raff. I'm still here.