We do not have these days much anymore. They just don't come as they did in the 70s. Just went away. Today it just barely hit the big zero and it felt different. I don't believe in the 6 years we have been back this has happened. As a kid there were times when the high for the week was zero but this global warming thing has a way of creeping in.
People don't really complain but a the same time they hate the now prevalent increase in the amount of Deer Tick, those are the ones that used to be held in check by winters cold. Of course, these are the same ticks that now are peddling huge amounts of Lymns disease. Everybody here has had one damn tick born disease after another. Some have been crippled by it.
So I don't complain. Maybe a little, as today we refused to go for a walk on the rail berm because we were candy-asses and filled with lame excuses. It was a little too breezy, we said. The fire was wonderfully warm and sitting there, as I am now, tight up against it, is a very pleasurable experience even if my ass is getting too flat.
I looked out this morning and noticed a Morning Dove in the neighbor's Cherry Tree. It was riding out the cold and was doing only what a bird can do. Puff up like a summer toad and sit tight, preferably in the sun. Taken from the window the birds eyes were closed but as I approached one eye came open and followed me. The cold dove said, " I see you, but I'll be damned if I am going to sacrifice my position to avoid you taking my picture. "Go away, white man".
As a kid, I do not remember doves in the winter, nor Robins but now they try to winter over, even the Kingfishers at the river hang on as long as there is open water. Each day now we have two pairs of doves on the feeder. All of them confident that the likelihood of sub-zero weather is minimal. Their patterns are changing. It is a new world---and about to become an even newer.
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