
Monday, February 11, 2013

Revolution Watch--Hedge Fund Makes Move

Recently, I have been watching economics more than anything because that seems to be the arena where there is the most action in the process of the sustainable revolution. The aspect of it that is most alarming is the disparity in wealth created by the money handlers on Wall Street.

It would appear that the levels of outstanding debt has reached a point that can not be maintained for long. While it is particularly bad in Europe, notably London, it is not great in the good old USA. Many economist believe there is a huge bubble in this debt. Meaning that there is very little collateral to back up all the trillions of debt obligations that are out there in the form of derivatives.

So when I saw this headline in the local paper one has to get the willies. I mean, what is a Wall St. hedge fund doing manipulating business in this area.  It is startling because their interest are no doubt, not in the local community. It is simply in their own financial position. They could give one God damn if they put Wisconsin workers out of business. They are only interested in their bottom line and if they are in the hedge fund business, right now they are more than likely looking to capture a bit of dollars to cover their capitol asses.

To me that means this business can probably look for a shut down with the hedge fund grabbing the liquid assets and taking them back to Wall street while our citizens find themselves out of a job. Yup, they will join the thousands that have already been laid off around here. So, now they can watch as their old jobs are shipped off to China where the workers will get a whopping $1/hr.

This system sucks. Sure makes a person wonder just who the hell is going to be able to buy much of anything if no one is working. I guess one could call it a revolution.

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