
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Climate Change---Possible Benifits

From a broad scientific view I am sure there will be little gain from a rapidly changing climate. From a scientific point of view it is also becoming daily more clear that there are no solutions for climate change. It is just too late.

Why, China is bringing on 1-2 new coal-fired electric plants every week and the same dudes are hoping to sell 20 million motor cars this year to folks that tooled around on bikes last year. Plus, the addition of 75 million people on the earth just about says it all. Ain't gonna happen, climate is gonna change, is changing and we are going to have to suck it up. Even powder-puff writer Tom Freidman of the NY Times has fessed up to this one.

What it comes down to is we will have to deal with it and see if there is a bright side. So I am looking in the backyard, looking at the garden. What I see is something we have not see before--an incredible amount of growth, tomatoes 6 feet high, potatoes mature and fat, peppers 4 foot and packed, cabbage 8 inches across and firm, corn  8 ft and ears like serf boards, and beets ready for sweet and sour pickle. It is mid July folks.

I am going to plant more items in the places already harvested. I am even going to try and produce 2 crops of potatoes. I already have two of broccoli. Beans are huge but short of blooms. Don't know what that is about.

But generally, the garden is a killer. Only problem is, there has been little rain and many farmers are loosing their unirrigated efforts. I have city water and it ain't cheap. Without water it looks like my unirrigated peppers above. So, there is some good results of a damn hot Wisconsin but things are odd. I'm uncomfortable.

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