
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Broccoili---Global Warming

This is new this year or at least new to me. I planted broccoli early this year, maybe in late April. Now we all know broccoli likes cool weather, so it is always fine. It may not grow jumping-Christ fast but still it plugs along like a Russian peasant. If it freezes or even has a little snow on it, no big deal---just like the Russian singing in D minor.

I put Jim's plants in when I got them, maybe it wasn't all that early. Still, they went in. Immediately, it started getting prematurely hot and I don't mean 75 either but in the 80s. The freaking plants, all of them,  took off on a NASCAR run. Didn't get one cabbage worm, no aphids. The butterflies never even fluttered in. Now, these plants looked nice, I will admit. Maybe 6-8 inches and standing strong, ready to kick some ass.

At the same time or a bit later, I planted some broccoli seeds in a row knowing I would transplant them later. In fact, I never buy plants because they tend to get buggy, wilt, and head out fast then completely bold and go belly up.

Well, these things of Jim's took off and by June 20th we had our first giant head and are eating the little side dudes now. This will go on for another week and then I'll chain saw them out, done.

But in the meantime, I planted one of my seedlings right next to the old one ( photo sucks) and it too is taking off in this 90 degree bullshit. It is nuts. I will get two crops. No, I am willing to bet I can get three because last year broccoli was still growing in December. It just ain't right, folks. I did hear our growing season has gone up 20 days in the last ten years.

Seems great but I have a feeling there are other things not going to be happy. I remember. We went fishing the other day and the Harrisville mill pond was completely packed with weeds---about 6 weeks early. Very few fish.

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