Yesterday there was a large march in New York city and the day before one in Washington calling attention to Global Warming. Today I looked at the Yahoo News on the interweb and noticed zero coverage of the events even though there was rumored to have been in excess of 300, 000 people there. What I did find is about 20 (at least) articles on our efforts in Syria, Iraq and news of various atrocities, actions of the Islamic State. Considering that those efforts, the ones reported on the news, the military ones, are all efforts to make sure the oil flows out of the Middle East, I found myself uncomfortable.
This is the same oil that is causing Global Warming, so I was at a bit of a loss as here we are talking about bombing the shit out of a bunch of blood-lusting religious fanatics because they may slow down the oil flow at some time in the future. They really might, that I know because Iraq is now pumping in excess of 3 million barrels a day (the same as they did under Saddam) and Saudi Arabia is pumping close to 10. That is like 13 million barrels a day or almost 20% of the total consumed ever day on day in the world. While damn little of it comes to the USA, all of it is used to drive the capitalistic system of the world and our corporations that run that system. So sure as hell, we are in the middle of it because we have to keep those corporations going and keep the oligarchs here happy.
Crazy thing is, that same oil, the oil that we are burning is contributing to global warming. It is a weird dichotomy to me, particularly when the news is only covering the efforts to secure energy stability, and ultimately consumption, while there are huge demonstrations going on to slow that very train down. Generally, I was pissed because in reality, our government is hell bent on burning every ounce of fuel it can get its hands on and will go to any length to make it so.
Now, I know there is more to the story, in that I was not born yesterday nor did I just fall of the turnip truck, but we have an issue here. As pointed out, 98% of all competent scientist believe Global Warming is anthropogenic. It is also becoming obvious that if it is not brought under control our children and grandchildren may well be subject to horrific situations that are clearly life threatening.
Here is a great talk by Admiral Hering, that is right, a friggen Admiral from the US Navy, on the seriousness of the situation. (His talk starts at 7 minutes.) This guy is not messing around and I suspect he is on the money. Also in the last few days Naomi Klein released a new book called This Changes Everything With this information in mind, it is hard not to be concerned. I mean, concerned if you have kids and grand kids.
So while I may know the system of oligarchic capitalism has to go away and that is going to be one tough call, and we are getting absolutely no where, I decided today to go to a small rally in Stevens Point to make a little noise and at least say I care. The big trucks rolled by and a fingers were thrown but many honked.
As for the sustainable revolution we have a long way to go---it would seem we have yet to start. I suspect the only action we will see on Global Warming will only come as the fossil fuels begin to run out--which interestingly may be next summer. World wide liquids production has been stable or dropping for a number of years (graph below of world production minus the US) with only the USA and its fracking keeping the total production climbing slowly. Hopefully, next summer the Red Queen will catch the frackers and the downward trend will start. I'm pissed.
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