
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Immigration revisited---Missionary's Position

 Wow, here we go again. This immigration thing has turned into a spectacle with so many emotional strings attached it is almost impossible to sort it out. Clearly, doing any serious reading on the nature of migration of people and one can not help but realize that this is just the beginning of this issue. Since the invention of man and the many struggles that have gone with them, humans have migrated and, I suspect, frequently for the same reason----a shortage of resources.

Even in the days of early man it was very possible for a small group to deplete those resources that allowed them to get by. If the neighboring  areas were uninhabited, no problem. Just be nomadic and allow your previous area to regenerate and wander about living the life of a nomad. but if one group wandered into the territory of another group, there was a confrontation that may well have led to death. As we became more numerous the conflicts became bigger. Germany needed resources so they invaded everything they thought possible----and then some. Big war.

Virtually every conflict we have now has in some way a connection to resources. Classic case, Iraq. As Allen Greenspan said, "It is all about oil." So when we begin to see this massive migration into the USA, and in truth, all over Europe as well, it is obvious the people are moving because their own homeland is no longer livable. They want out and they want out bad, so they go to places they think are better. It is a simple migration.

The problem is the world is now full and we are close to being at a point where we can not produce enough resources to care for everybody. As a result, conflict starts, a conflict of immigration. Every rich and developed country has an illegal immigration problem. They are rioting in Sweden, France, England and very close to it in the USA.

We come from this long tradition of taking in your tired and your poor because we had space and jobs and resources but now it is becoming clear that the resources are running out, like oil, natural gas, copper, even water. They are running out everywhere, worse in the lands of the poor. It is simply stressed caused migration.

The tragedy of the issue is that no one has done any work to prevent this from happening. Many have seen it develop from "The Population Bomb" to "The Limits to Growth", to "Endgame". This is no secret, but we have done nothing and now we are confronted with this flood, and it is probably only the beginning. That wall down there is not just for what is happening to day, but for the future when countries to the south become total failed states.

How many can we absorb when 2/3 of the world's people are living under some sort of stressed condition right now----and would like to leave. We all cry for the individuals we hear about, the ones being sent back. How can we care for them when we have 15% unemployed, and underemployed. Are we a sovereign nation that can control our borders? What do we do now with the teaming, starving, ill-kept immigrants banging at our doors? I can say one thing and that is if they flood in here at the rate of the last 20 years which is 2-3 million a  year, we too will become over-populated  and under resourced. We too will be living as they do back in their home countries.

Do you think we can have a discussion on these larger issues, Over-Population, Resource Depletion (oil/all liquids very close to being in decline) global warming stressing ecosystems, and an economic system that is showing signs of being incapable of providing a fair possibility for all people. NO, WE CAN NOT. We will continue to fight to hold our borders from the migrating hoards.A tragedy on all accounts.

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