Oh, we have tried (sorta) with 350.org going nuts making noise and James Hansen of NASA screaming his head off but to absolutely no avail because the curve just keeps going up. Recently, Obama announced his meager efforts which may sound pretty but will not make a dent as China fires up a couple of new coal fired plants every week. http://www.whitehouse.gov/share/climate-action-plan
This all comes after last fall's IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) release of it's report that says we need to make massive changes or we are flat-out screwed. Does any of this make any difference. Hell no. At least half of our elected officials think all the scientist in the world are wrong! We live in a world of dumb shits.They think Jesus will take care of us----or is it the Four Horsemen---and that is not a rock group.
But there seems to be some hope out there as described Gail Tverberg. http://ourfiniteworld.com/2014/04/11/oil-limits-and-climate-change-how-they-fit-together/ It seems that liquid fuels will soon start to decline and when they do the world's economies will slide, and maybe fail. With that, the consumption of fossil fuels will decline rapidly as will the CO2 emissions. This will not solve all the temperature change as much of that is now set in stone, but it may stop it from being catastrophic as the IPCC report says it will. Getting from point A (today) to point B (tomorrow), or the bottleneck as they call it, will not be a pleasant ride.I'd like to have that hat.
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