
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fricking Fracking---Revolution Watch

 There is so much noise about Fracking it is hard not to pay attention to it. I mean, this procedure, which is not new and the oil plays have been known for 40 years, is rumored to set us up to have business as usual (BAU) for  who knows how many more years. People are dirtying themselves, filling their pants that is, over what they think is really a big deal. 

The desire to keep this fossil fuel burning thing going is so strong that we Americans (Amurikans), the press and the government (Gubbermint) just falls all over itself ranting about our possible energy independence. (For Christ sake we import 9 million barrels a day now) What frackin' nonsense. The graph below put together by Ron Patterson at tells a sad story--and the truth that has been known by folks on the inside for a long time. Basically, it is the Red Queen Affect where they have to drill more and more wells just to stay even on production---and the production is slowing. The graph is of the Bakken play in the Dakotas. 

Ron puts it this way, "As you can see in the last six months they added half the barrels per day as the previous six month period and just over one third what was added in the first six months of the surge ending December 2011 even though more wells were added, on average, than during those six months.
One thing most everyone in the media cheering section is missing is the fact that the more barrels produced the greater the decline and therefore the more additional wells required to replace that decline."

I find it sad that rather than deal with the impending issue of diminishing energy supplies we just party on and cheer with each new drop of oil found---oh ya, that is the same oil that is creating global warming. But I did hear someone say that was junk science. So what the hell, guess I will go price a new SUV, maybe a Inquisitor Bloatmobile with the 50 Cal. roof mount. 

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