So, today I am sitting on my favorite leather sofa contemplating the world situation and look out to the bird feeder to see if the stinking Gray Squirrels are looting my sun flower seeds. But there sitting on the feeder's edge is this very blue bird (not a bluebird because they do not do seeds) scarfing up a nice selection of black sunflower seeds.
I take a second look having never seen a bird of this color on this particular feeder becks being in town has its limitation and while we get Cardinals, a couple kinds of Nut Hatches, three different wood peckers, some finches note and a bunch of brown jobbies, but not any blue ones. Initially, I'm thinking we have a Indigo Bunting but the bird is bigger and more impressive. Shortly after this visit, a Rose Breasted Grosbeak shows up, which is also a first here in town.
Point is I am stumped just a bit. Oddly, my brother calls and goes into a great rant about how at the moment he has 5 male Inigo Buntings on his feeder sucking up seeds. In academic necessity, I shoot a picture to Mary Jo and she seems to think it is a Bunting as she too is have Bunting sightings. They are on the move those Buntings. Interestingly, everybody is also seeing Grosbeaks but mostly the Rose-Breasted.
So I get to looking around and I find there is a Blue Grosbeak and it is bigger like the RB Grosbeak. About then I start getting puffed up like a toad because it is looking to me like, yes it is a Blue. Oh ya, I am cool and the other Indigo Bunting afectionatoes can go climb a tree because I have the real thing.
Besides the Blue Grosbeak it was 80 degrees today and an excellent night for a couple of Door County gin and tonics to celebrate. Very pleasant, I must say.
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