Last night I had a chance to see a first run of McKibben's new movie 350 about global warming. Unfortunately, like so many efforts, it went to great lengths to show the affects of the climate change. The subtitle of the film was Do the Math which is something I like to do.
While there is little doubt that there is Global warming. It is so obvious that even George Bush admitted it and he doesn't even do science, much less math. It had interviews with the usual crowd including James Hansen form NASA and a raft of others laying it on the line about what was going down. Even had a few elected idiots and CEOs demonstrating their idiocy. It was real easy to get the message, particularly if one has had the message for 7-8 years already. It was aimed to convince the folks on the street.
He pointed out all the things that are causing the warming, mostly concentrating on the burning of fossil fuels. Really made the big oil companies look bad showing all kinds of smoke stacks and their concerted efforts to prevent action due to their financial concerns.
Well, he says we need to divest ourselves from these companies and use less energy. All sounds real good but I found myself feeling the statement was missing something. Then, I realized that what he was talking about was treating the symptoms and not attacking the disease. In fact, there was almost no talk of the real problem, that would be the disease called growth. I mean economic growth, population growth. I'm talking about the very sacred tenants of capitalism. Some even say it is civilization itself.
I came home rattled because it is becoming obvious that growth has to go. It is not possible to increase the population by 85 million a year and have a chance. That means the increase of the population of the USA every 4 years. Toss in exponentially expanding GDP and it doesn't take a nuclear physicist to figure that math out. Truth is the economy of China has to be brought to a standstill, as does ours. All expansion of GDP and population will require more and more energy and most of that will come in the form of fossil fuels. Wow!
I wish Bill well, for if he is successful, he will kill the economies of the world, but that will be our savior I am afraid. Odd earth day for me.
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