
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sucession---Missionary's Position

I just learned today that there have been petitions presented to the US central government by citizens of a number of states asking that their states be allowed to secede from the union. Meaning, and clearly stating, that they would like to take their states and become a separate country not under the US government that is led by President Obama.

It is true, so I am to believe, they have done this before and in the 1860s they took a real shot at it---and it is the same bunch down in the deep south. Initially, I glanced over the idea and just tossed it off as another wacko idea by the usual crowd of crackers who don't want rules, hate welfare,  really dislike folks of any color other than their own pasty white complexion, consistently fond of NASCAR, really like a thing they call religion and are generally poorly educated.

Of course, they also tend to be from the south and in many cases have yet to really recover from the Civil War. Like always, I assumed this was a real bad idea because we all can gain from each other, and as I stated a few days ago, I do believe we are our brothers keeper, and in time we will all learn to love each other, play banjos, tote guns and have hound dogs. I already have many of these things so I do have to watch my mouth.

Then I got to thinking about it. I checked out a few facts and I found the following items represented in graphs. Wow, this means that the a greatest amount of recipients of welfare, assistance, and government handouts are in the same region. To top if off, the same folks per capita get more money from the government than the states to the north. Man, this secession is looking more reasonable all the time.

Now I already new the level of education was much lower in the south as were funds provided for education , but when I found the next graph I could not help but wonder about the request because where there is heavy income equality there are other issue--think share croppers, angry folks and  distrust, maybe pitch forks and torches. Not good there. (What is with New York?---oh, the bankers and hedge fund managers--that is another issue--and not a pretty one. I ask, when will the Hamptons burn?)

Then I discovered that mother nature has a burr up her ass for the same region. And that burr is costing the rest of the nation one hell of a lot of hard currency--and these same dudes don't like government help. Sweet Jesus jumping across the tundra on a rubber crutch, why are we allowing the south to hang with us. They look a lot like a liability to me. I swear if it were not for that brother's keeper thing, I would say adios guys. It is all yours.

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