
Saturday, February 25, 2012

1%ers and Me. How I Became One.

I decided a while back  I was, or at least want to be, a 1%er. I don't think being part of the 99% is all that useful or glamorous because it implies we are not special. Plus, if all the news we are hearing is true, we are the down trodden, the poor devils who are losing our wages, having our benefits cut and are most subject to rising food prices.

Tonight we had a great soup consisting of last years potatoes (not blighted), cauliflower, green beans and garlic from the garden. We also tossed in a three sides of White Bass and a hand full of basil we grew. The fish Ian and I caught in the Wolf River during a late spring outing replete with swearing and water swatting. So it was a down home, kinda sustainable, really sustainable repast fit for a king---maybe a king some 2000 years ago--but still royality. All the stuff was stored in the freezer that is powered by the sun.

I enjoyed my hearty bowl while tight up against the old wood stove, and my lip locked on a locally brewed beer (even though I could have had a glass of this wine I just made---and it is damn good). Ya, the old dog died and the chickens just got themselves killed real dead by the neighbor's dog that decided they were pheasants running in our yard. He more or less just retrieved them, but too hard. So the badness has taken the edge off my 1%erism to some extent but still it would seem we are still comfortably locked in our new position high up on the social scale.

My cloths are a might ragged but not "bring out your dead" tattered. Just rough around the edges because my shipment from Burberry has not arrived. I have no bulging goiters,  my  feet have not fallen off due to leprosy and my we-we still works. Have a bit of a limp due to getting the shit kicked out of me in my athletic years but with luck, I inflicted some equal damage to the jackasses that worked me over. Or as Steve recently said, "How are that 5 years of Rugby playing working out for you white boy?" It was worth it because it made who I am today---a slightly stove up buffoon who still sucks up the good life.

Still I love being a 1%er. Just because it is a 1%er in the lower middle class doesn't really bother me. I'm thinking, if things keep moving where they are going I might move up a class or two. Carharts might be the new Burberry.

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