As the Sustainable Revolution/Reset rolls along, there are a number of events that take place which mark the stages of this change. Fortunately to date, most of the changes have arrived slowly and, while they have been disruptive, have not really rattled our cages to any degree. Life still goes on up here in the Midwest As I have previously noted, from around here, jobs have been lost, houses are selling in the $20K range, insurance policies cut, medical costs have gone up and food prices have climbed. Still we fish, canoe, fiddle, ski and generally do our laughing.
Nationally, we have all the unemployment, savings looted, banksters going free, politicians talking of austerity and conservatives sucking up to Ayn Rand while giving breaks to the 1% who they claim to be job creators, but no jobs have been created------here. Sure, cattle are dying in Texas (over a million in Northern Mexico)and California has lost 80 medical facilities in the last couple of years due to no revenues from patients, many too poor to pay.
Globally, it is a mess with the Arab Spring turned into multi seasonal event, Europe is about to collapses due to the selling of blank paper by the big banks. Just remembered the Road Warrior Days down in Mexico, 48,000 dead. Not surprisingly, oil has stayed over $100 a barrel
But around here, there are smaller things on the watch list and the above article in the local paper lays one out. It seems air travel is down. Must be the cost of fuel, thus the cost of the tickets. It has always been said that one of the luxuries that will lead the revolution will be the disappearance of air travel. It will be an early victim of peak oil. Eventually there will just not be enough of the black gold. It will be too expensive or if it is cheap, it will mean we are in a depression and then we will be in peak money.
The sad part is the same owners of this air port only a few years ago were demanding more public money to expand the facility.. Couldn't see it coming. Just don't want to. It is tough.
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