Most of the things growing in the garden are known to be there and that includes the space squash I murdered without remorse. In truth, there are other items in there that get offed by me as well, like weeds, even though I have been know to eat Lamb's Quarters and Purslain---of course that killed them. We do not eat the bugs as a rule, or at least knowingly.
This morning I did grab a big hand full of red raspberries and casually tossed the lot in my mouth. Didn't take too long to realize that in among the fruit was obviously a stink bug. I swallowed it feeling the berry flavor would prevail---and it did. The potato bugs get drowned humanly and are not good for eating due to the juice of the nightshade.
Ya, there is the rabbit and he is still alive and still marauding the pathetic broccoli, and of course there are the grubs and worms, and centipedes, cabbage butterflies. Oh hell, the place is crawling with life. But now and then, there is a visitor of note and it is not the local crack head pilfering my cabbage--we don't really have them (the crack heads).

What I did find was this incredible dragonfly just resting, and maybe exercising on a Chaco Canyon Bean. He, or I guess it could have been a she, was warming up his wings by high speed fluttering as if he was the Spirit of St. Louis. He appeared to have no interest in actually flying but rather just chilling in the evening air. He was notably fresh in that there was not a single blemish to be seen. It was if he were only moments out of the water and getting ready for his maiden flight. The water is half mile off so it would seem he was just resting waiting to eat mosquitoes in our backyard.

What I really like about this tiny, four inch helicopter was the coloration. Very dynamic with what looked like an eye behind his head. Clearly it is not, in that he has a big set up front. The other "eye" is apparently for decoration that possibly attracts a mate---I'm sure it is not there just to entertain me---which it did. The wings are transparent, maybe to avoid being seen. I saw him and and had to marvel at the contents of the garden but I am easily entertained.
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