Sitting here in Wisconsin it is hard not to notice that we have a bit of a political problem. It seems that our governor is a big fan of one Ms. Ayn Rand. Now this is not a new thing. Rand and her banter has been around for along time and he, the governor, is not the first to get hung up on Atlas Shrugged. In fact, that dude from the House Of Representatives, Paul Ryan, has the same burr up his butt---that would be along with Ron Paul and his kid Rand Paul.
After hearing this connection, I couldn't help but review old Ayn's writings to see what all the fuss was even though I seemed to recall that she was a libertarian, or at least thought to be one. I have always thought that her teachings, philosophical leanings were a touch on the fascist side and when I read the statement below, it would seem she does have a hint of that.
Jonathan Chait sums up Rand’s moral philosophy, “The core of the Randian worldview, as absorbed by the modern GOP, is a belief that the natural market distribution of income is inherently moral, and the central struggle of politics is to free the successful from having the fruits of their superiority redistributed by looters and moochers.”
Let's see, does this have anything to do with the fact that something like 60% of USA wealth is now in the hands of the top 20% of the population--and the situation is getting worse. Now, this governor has just proposed that wages be cut from the scumbag teachers while the same time he is giving tax breaks to the wealthy---and, of course, some corporate welfare.
In fact, I wonder where all the corporate welfare comes in for this plan. It seems inconsistent with Ayn's writing. How about those looters on wall street and the big banks? Moochers? What do you suppose one calls the bailouts? It's not like they worked hard using their vast knowledge and hard work to get that. It was just plain fraud. They are economic terrorists for God's sake!
It is particularly confusing when one considers that the money for those bailouts is coming from the regular workers. Oh ya, "thugs" he called them. That would be the teachers with their damn masters degrees. Imagine that, the governor was a college drop out. Did you ever notice he sorta has a 15 foot stare in a 10 foot room. He is also a evangelical fanatic.
It does get hard to follow, but I think maybe it is time to give a thought to being our brother's keeper rather than funneling the wealth to the undeserving rich who for the most part are simply stealing it. A price will be paid.
There are takers and there are leavers. Ishmael is a much better role model than Ayn Rand, who lived in an apartment in Manhattan, had an affair with a younger married man, never produced anything but cartoon characters and in her later life lived off of Social Security and used Medicare for her health care.