Madison was wild during our visit to the fight. Occupying the Capitol was infectious, uplifting and, I suppose, troubling. It is not difficult to realize that the issues involved go way beyond what is there in front of us. Yes, there is the issue of collective bargaining but there is so much more.
Here and there I saw references to the Citizen United case that went through the Supreme Court that allowed corporations the status of citizens, and the right to completely fund elections without a limit to financial contributions.
At present, it is no secret that our elected officials mostly represent the position of the extremely wealthy and the corporations. All one has to do is look at the inability of congress to regulate the Banksters and other economic terrorist from looting the country--multi-million dollar bonuses? All of the money is going to greedy investors for doing nothing more than touching money and extracting a usury fee.
Citizens United also gave the right to unions to fund elections in an unlimited way. So one does not have to look too far to know why Gov. Walker is out to kill Unions. They are the last organized bastion that can fight the big corporations. If killed, it will be down to unorganized bands to represent themselves in fights with corporations, some larger than most countries.
The take over will be complete and the economics of Milton Friedman will have carried the day as the Shock Doctrine is carried out.
And so goes the revolution. The standard of living continues to drop as workers benefits are cut, wages stagnated and the price of commodities continue to elevate. Oddly enough, it has to happen because resources are finite and the population is growing uncontrolled, but why should the average Joe take the hit while the rich gain more and more?
When will the first brick fly through the windows of Goldman Sachs and the economic terrorist confronted? Will the Hamptons burn? Just keep it up and we will see.
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