One way to secure clean lean meat is to do a bit of hunting. Now hunting is, of course, not just hunting. It is also time spent in the woods taking in all the activities that go on there, learning the ways of the flora and fauna.
Now, I know many folks don't just don't fancy stepping into the woods to begin with and find harvesting a living, sorta-cute deer rather unacceptable. Many of these same individuals are willing to gobble up an Argentine produced hamburger from Micky Ds knowing full well just what might be in that so-called meat and how it was produced in a land with fewer regulations.
Me, I figure here is this deer, corn feed, running free, not endangered and tasty, so why not put one in the freezer and make a year long feed of it. This is the same freezer that is now solar powered. What I am getting at is, there is a system out there where a crafty person can get good things at a reasonable price. The harvesting is sustainable if not abused.
Hunting with a gun is fine but it seems to me that prowling around in the woods with something more primitive is more challenging, more demanding and in a way more rewarding. But with many of my joints somewhat trashed due to youthful abuse, coupled with unavoidable, creeping chronological advancement, the bow had to be retired for a crossbow. Sure, this is not something left over from King Arthur, but still it gives me a chance. I don't do atlatals.
Ya, I hear the bleeding hearts saying, "That damn thing has a scope, pulley wheels, the velocity of a 30-30 and you call that cool." I still have to crawl in the tick infested forest, sit in the snow and get a deer closer than 35 yards. The odd truth is, I like living close to the land and knowing where my food comes from---including my vegetables. I might even be sustainable even if I don't look all that good. I know some people who look real good but aren't sustainable. But then "It is better to look good than to feel good."
Life is difficult when we are primitive humanoids living in technologically advanced world.
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