
Monday, August 9, 2010

God's Weather, Our Corn

Here is the deal. From some reason our garden has taken a strange turn. It started out growing long and lean and it has remained hell bent on climbing skyward much like Jack and his damned bean stalk. We purchased some expensive heritage variety corn seeds from some glossy, sorta hippy run, but maybe religious backed or religious oriented, outfit with smiling, young, rather inoccent looking owners. Probably the look of finding The Lord but that was cool. Ya gotta find something--some do cocain others the Baby Jesus.
We thought it would be nice to have a corn variety were we could replant the seeds that were saved rather than have some goofy hybrid where if the seeds were planted the f2 generation would be all over the place----big ones, knarly little ones and maybe some marginal but cool mutants fit for a freak show.

Well, out of nowhere we received buckets of rain. May of the storms were rather severe compared to the past four years, so server we had torrential streams digging up the garden---it must have been like Packastan but only in Amherst and its 1000 souls rather than the millions of the sweltering masses. It seems the apartment building above us never had a runoff plan other than to flood the lower property that didn't belong to them. That would be us (note earlier post).

Now it is August and the corn is just past silk and some of the new ears are 7 feet off the ground and the tassels are over thirteen feet up in the heavens. Sweet Jesus!

Ya, the rain was cool but apparently because it has rained so much the sun has not been out and the plants are going balls out to reach the light. The fate of the ears has yet to be determined but there are emerging ears.

To top it off, June was the hottest June in history and July will no doubt be the same. So if there is no way to deal with global warming, which I don't think there is, how am I going to adjust my garden so that it works in the future?

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