Last week's local newspaper announced that the Waupaca county Library would be closed an additional 4 days each month and that some employees would be furloughed for a few more days as a way to cut expenses for the city and county. Neither event is good, However, it is an indication that the standard of living is dropping. Some employees will now have less money to spend, others will have less opportunity to go to the library. In other words, the local government will provide less service to its citizens. Unfortunately, this is something we will have to get used to. Some would argue there are probably less important expenditures we could cut, say the building of roads that in the future will not have the same value because there will be fewer miles traveled and what vehicles there are will be lighter and less damaging. Mass transit?
Manila last week was flooded. Officials said they were not able to keep up with infrastructure that would enable flood control for an expanding population. Manila has 12 million citizens in the city and a few million more in the surrounding area. This all speaks for itself even though the authorities do not have ears to hear it, nor the eyes to see it. It would appear that in the future there were still be less infrastructure per person than there is today and there will be more floods.
Today Alan Greenspan announced unemployment would go to 10%. I got my electric bill down below $20 last month.
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