
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Revolution Watch

Now and then I run across graphs and printed material that pretain to my Revolution Watch. Some are outright shockers. This one is of oil production in the super large Cantarell oil field in Mexico. As most folks know Mexico was our second largest supplier of crude oil up until a few years ago, with Canada being #1. This particular field in Mexico was a powerhouse but it has been declining at double digit rates of late. Mexico has already told the USA that in 5 years or less it will not be able to provide us with ANY oil. They are using more of their own and the wells are playing out.

This compounds issues for them as well as their revenues for oil, one of their biggest sources, will also decline. In addition, monies being send south by the 20 or so milllion nationals living here has also declined. Tourism is down but drug sales have held but the Thunderdome activity on the border is growing (more died in one year there than Americans have been killed in the total Iraq war!).

Problem for us being we will have less access to oil and Mexico may become unstable (some states appear to have been seen as failed states) which may increase the human migration activities.

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