
Friday, August 20, 2010

Evening Fishing plus Benifits

I like to catch fish. That is not a secret and I on occasion I like to consume them. It is like local agriculture. They are happy fish living in generally clean water, they taste good and have not been processed under unusual conditions in Indonesia. Nor does the harvesting of a few have long term affects on the fish population.

Most of them go back. They are either too small, too big (I don't do big fighters)or I don't think there are enough fish in the fishery to support a little taking. It is all great entertainment to feel the pull of the line and land that big one. I know Ann admires my ability to land the good ones. Well, I like to think she does.

In reality, the best part is the trip, the outing onto the waterways. When I travel with the artist, the painter she waits for the glistening fish to be held high and photographed for the next painting effort. Then there is the sunsets over the water. They come in all colors and they change as they go, a light show of sorts. Each and every time we go there is a new adventure with friends and water, laughs and belittlements, careless bragging, the many smells of water and quiet admiration.

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