
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Migration and Global Climate Change

In the last couple of years we have been hearing more and more about the issues involved in excessive human migrations related to climate change. This is nothing new as all the way back in 1973 The Limits to Growth book brought the issue to front as well as mentioning other issue that would lead to huge human flows as the world resource were depleted. It is simply not new.

Today, I noticed this article in the BBC once again reporting on the impending major issue of the human floods coming out of the Middle East and North Africa. This movement of people by lame-ass  boats has been going on for years and few in the world really are aware of this issues, and deaths involved of these folks trying to get away form a rapidly deteriorating situation. More and more it is becoming apparent that the major issues are really about resources, meaning water, food, shelter and safety---much of it due to global climate change.

Last year I ran into two talks from military persons about this issue related to national security. One was an Admiral Herring and the other was Jeromy Jackson   talking to the Navel War College, not exactly bastion of liberalness, but just concerned thinking people. Clearly, if conditions continue to deteriorate, not just in the middle east but in this country and continent, people will begin to move, maybe into areas they are not really welcome.

This is all reminding me of a very controversial book that came out in the sixties call The Camp of the Saints where France was being over-whelmed with the flood of refugees out of the ME and NA. There were millions coming across the Mediterranean. What was France to do? I couldn't finish the book. But here we are with shades of this event.  I have heard the big wall we are building on the Mexico/US border is not for what was going on now and in the past, but what is anticipated if Mexico should be come a failed state---which it well could become if they go into deep drought and their revenues from the depleting oil decline--which it is. . Half of Mexico is now in the same drought as California. Go figure! 37 million in California and no water? Is there going to be wide spread migrations?