
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Revolution Watch---Global Warming

Here is a statistic I never heard before even though I have heard versions of it. Oct of 2012 was the 323rd month in a row for which global average temperature was above average. As Derrick Jensen states, there is  one chance to ten the one hundredth power of this happening. This means that it is almost impossible under normal conditions for this to happen. In other words, it ain't right.

So one has to wonder just what the hell is the meaning of this event? Where is this going? The tendency is to blow it off because the over-all change is like .7 degrees Celsius and sitting here in Wisconsin that doesn't mean jack. We don't see that much. Oh ya, last year right now it was close to 70 degrees, but today it is a very realistic 25. It is so easy to loose touch.

But what is now happening is scientists are screaming their heads off trying to tell folks that the shit is about to hit the fan. I mean there are some, like James Hansen that are going ballistic and he is not alone. But what do we get done ? What can we get done? Not Jack shit. Are lives are just so wonderful it is impossible to consider dropping our standard of living a single fucking notch. It is all about us, now. Screw our grand kids.

Our son, just today, sent a photo back from the arctic on this glorious day. I suspect the temperature was in the negative minus 25 range. These same two young people have horror stories of what is happening up there. They lived in Nightmute on the Bearing Sea a few years back. They now live in Fairbanks and sometime ago got a call from Eskimo friends out there on the Kuskokwim with the sad news that all of their dried fish for the season had been fly blown by a fly they had never seen. Turned out it had never been seen in their area but only 600 miles to the south. Life changing.

From the same area the tundra is melting and methane (greenhouse gas) is being released in unimaginable rates. The same tundra is also melting  under the Alaskan pipeline and it is sagging. The pipeline only moves 6000,000 barrels a day now down from 2 million. It will close when it hits 300,000. Probably good because the content of that line that is the problem. How do we stop using that shit? We don't and won't I suspect because as a plague species we eat everything until it is all gone.

I sure would like it if where these kids are, it would always be 25 below forever. But it won't. We are idiots, maybe be idiots with a fatal mutation.

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